from fasthtml.common import *
from fasthtml.jupyter import *
from fh_commons.core import *
from fh_commons.static import *
import json
import pandas as pd
from math import ceil
from ngrok_token import *
= start_ngrok(token)
= fast_app(pico=False,hdrs=hdrs)
app,rt = JupyUvi(app) server
Both get and post method, function name is the route’s name
def test():
return P('hi')
If function name is get or post, then would be either of the method.
If function name is something else, would not change the route, but specify the route name
def get(): return P('hi')
With params:
def get(data:str): return P(data)
'/something/sdf') htmx(url,
Use function to indicate route’s name
def sdfsdf(req):
return P(req.url_for('sdfsdf'))
With route’s name
def get(req):
return P(req.url_for('aaa'))
Similar to @rt, the function name indicates route
def asdf():
return P('hi')
def get_nm(nm:str): return f"Good day to you, {nm}!"
server.stop() kill_ngrok()