Reactome pathway analysis


!pip install reactome2py
from reactome2py import analysis
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pandas import json_normalize
import os, pandas as pd, numpy as np, seaborn as sns
from tqdm import tqdm
from PIL import Image


def get_reactome_raw(gene_list):
    "Reactome pathway analysis for a given gene set; returns raw output in dataframe."
    gene_str = ','.join(gene_list)
    # set page size and page to -1 ensures to display all pathway results, sort by pvalue instead of fdr, projection set to True is consistent with official web
    result = analysis.identifiers(gene_str, page_size='-1', page='-1', sort_by='ENTITIES_PVALUE',projection=True)
    out = json_normalize(result['pathways'])
    return out


# get gene list
genes = pd.read_csv('raw/AKT1.csv')['gene'].tolist()

stId dbId name llp inDisease species.dbId species.taxId entities.resource entities.found entities.ratio entities.pValue entities.fdr entities.exp reactions.resource reactions.found reactions.ratio
0 R-HSA-111465 111465 Apoptotic cleavage of cellular proteins True False 48887 9606 Homo sapiens TOTAL 38 33 0.002428 0.000134 0.322956 [] TOTAL 38 38 0.002506
1 R-HSA-5674400 5674400 Constitutive Signaling by AKT1 E17K in Cancer True True 48887 9606 Homo sapiens TOTAL 29 25 0.001853 0.000889 0.878858 [] TOTAL 18 18 0.001187
2 R-HSA-75153 75153 Apoptotic execution phase True False 48887 9606 Homo sapiens TOTAL 54 39 0.003450 0.001225 0.878858 [] TOTAL 57 57 0.003759
3 R-HSA-3108232 3108232 SUMO E3 ligases SUMOylate target proteins False False 48887 9606 Homo sapiens TOTAL 184 104 0.011755 0.002371 0.878858 [] TOTAL 132 102 0.008705
4 R-HSA-2990846 2990846 SUMOylation False False 48887 9606 Homo sapiens TOTAL 193 107 0.012330 0.003650 0.878858 [] TOTAL 141 111 0.009298
def plot_path(react_out, top_n=10,max_label_length=80):

    "Plot the output of get_reactome."
    # Extract the data and reverse it
    data = react_out.head(top_n).set_index('name')['-log10_pValue'].iloc[::-1]
    # Truncate labels if they are too long
    truncated_labels = [label[:max_label_length] + '...' if len(label) > max_label_length else label for label in data.index]
    data.index = truncated_labels

    # Calculate the required width: base width + additional width for the longest label
    base_width = 2
    max_label_length = max(data.index, key=len)
    additional_width = len(max_label_length) * 0.1  # Adjust scaling factor as needed
    figsize = (base_width + additional_width, 3*top_n/10)  # Adjust height as necessary

    # Plotting
    plt.tight_layout()  # Adjust layout to fit everything
def get_reactome(gene_list, plot=True):
    "Given a gene list, get the processed output of reactome; output contains additional -log10(p)"
    out = get_reactome_raw(gene_list)
    out = out[['name','entities.pValue']].rename(columns={'entities.pValue':'pValue'})
    out['-log10_pValue'] = -np.log10(out['pValue']).round(3)

    if plot:
    return out
out = get_reactome(genes)
name pValue -log10_pValue
0 Apoptotic cleavage of cellular proteins 0.000134 3.874
1 Constitutive Signaling by AKT1 E17K in Cancer 0.000889 3.051
2 Apoptotic execution phase 0.001225 2.912
3 SUMO E3 ligases SUMOylate target proteins 0.002371 2.625
4 SUMOylation 0.003650 2.438
sns.set(rc={"figure.dpi":300, 'savefig.dpi':300})


from katlas.core import *
from katlas.plot import *

For the original human phosphoproteome (all-uppercase):

site= Data.get_combine_site_psp_ochoa()

For phosphorylated human phosphoproteome, uncheck below:

# site = Data.get_combine_site_phosphorylated()

For PSP site, uncheck below:

# site = Data.get_psp_human_site()

# site['acceptor'] = site.site_seq.str[7]

# # remove none sty-phosphoacceptor sequence
# site = site['acceptor'].isin(['s','t','y'])]

# # convert lowercase other than s,t,y to capital; convert rare aa to _
# site['site_seq'] = site.site_seq.apply(convert_string)

# site = site.reset_index(drop=True)

# site.to_parquet('PSP_human_processed_sites.parquet')

# site = pd.read_parquet('PSP_human_processed_sites.parquet')

As the original phosphoproteome is an all-uppercase dataset, we choose param to be param_CDDM_upper

param = param_CDDM_upper

## for phosphorylated dataset, we will choose the standard param
# param = param_CDDM
## or
# param = param_PSPA
ref = param['ref']
results = predict_kinase_df(site,'site_seq',**param)
input dataframe has a length 121419
Finish preprocessing
Merging reference
Finish merging
result_df = pd.concat([site,results],axis=1)

Plot score distribution

result_df['acceptor'] =  result_df.site_seq.str[7].str.upper()
palette = get_color_dict(['S','T','Y'],'tab20')

hist_params = {'element':'poly',
              'edgecolor': None,
{'S': (0.12156862745098039, 0.4666666666666667, 0.7058823529411765),
 'T': (0.6823529411764706, 0.7803921568627451, 0.9098039215686274),
 'Y': (1.0, 0.4980392156862745, 0.054901960784313725)}
def plot_hist(df,colname,sty_thr=None,hue='acceptor'):
    "Plot histogram of a column (kinase). "

    if sty_thr:
        for acceptor,thr in sty_thr.items():
            if thr is not None:

Ratio method to determine threshold

  • Step1: Locate the max phosphoacceptor in the STY ratio of a kinase
  • Step2: Get top 2% sites for that phosphoacceptor, and get the number of sites.
  • Step3: Use the number and STY ratio to calculate the number of sites for other phosphoacceptor.
def get_ratio(df, kinase, ref, pct=0.98):
    # Copy relevant columns and explode gene column
    data = df[['gene', 'acceptor', kinase]].copy()
    data['gene'] = data.gene.str.split('|')
    data = data.explode('gene')

    # Get STY ratio from reference data
    row = ref[['0S', '0T', '0Y']].loc[kinase]
    if row['0Y'] > 0.8: # apply to pspa
        ratio = {'S': 0, 'T': 0, 'Y': 1}
    elif 0.1 < row['0Y'] < 0.8: # does not apply to pspa
        ratio = {'S': row['0S'], 'T': row['0T'], 'Y': row['0Y']}
    else: # apply to pspa
        total = row['0S'] + row['0T']
        ratio = {'S': row['0S'] / total, 'T': row['0T'] / total, 'Y': 0}

    # Calculate thresholds and get genes
    sty_thr = {'S': None, 'T': None, 'Y': None}
    g_list = []

    # Identify the largest acceptor and calculate its total for top percentile
    max_acceptor = max(ratio, key=ratio.get)
    max_data = data[data['acceptor'] == max_acceptor]

    thr = max_data[kinase].quantile(pct)
    top_max_data = max_data[max_data[kinase]>thr]
    top_total = len(top_max_data)
    threshold_max = top_max_data[kinase].min()

    # Scale other acceptors and get the threshold
    for acceptor in ['S', 'T', 'Y']:
        if ratio[acceptor] != 0:
            scaled_data = data[data['acceptor'] == acceptor]
            scaled_data = scaled_data.sort_values(kinase, ascending=False)
            n_top = int(top_total * (ratio[acceptor] / ratio[max_acceptor]))
            top_scaled_data = scaled_data.head(n_top)

            sty_thr[acceptor] = top_scaled_data[kinase].min()

    genes = pd.concat(g_list).drop_duplicates().dropna().tolist()

    return sty_thr, genes


  1. Get threshold and genes within the percentiile
k = 'ATM'
sty_threshold,genes = get_ratio(result_df,k,ref=ref)
{'S': 2.6404023, 'T': 1.9869915, 'Y': None}
  1. with threshold, plot score distribute
sns.set(rc={"figure.dpi":300, 'savefig.dpi':300})

  1. run reactoe pathway analysis
out = get_reactome(genes)
# exclude paths that has no variance across kinases
for n in exclude:
    out = out[]
  1. plot path

Run all kinases and save images

from pathlib import Path
from fastcore.xtras import *
def get_img(df, kinase_list, ref, SAVE=False,save_folder='cddm',exclude=['GTPase','SUMO'],pct=0.98):

    paths = []
    for kinase in tqdm(kinase_list):

        sty_thr,genes = get_ratio(df,kinase,ref=ref,pct=pct)

        out = get_reactome(genes)

        out['kinase'] = kinase

        # plot score distribution

        distribute_figname = Path(f'{save_folder}/score_distribute/{kinase}.png')
        plt.savefig(distribute_figname,bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.3) if SAVE else

        # exclude paths that has no variance across kinases
        out_cut = out.copy()
        for n in exclude:
            out_cut = out_cut[]
        # plot pathway bargraph
        # title_acceptor ='/'.join(acceptors)
        # plt.title(f'{kinase}, top 2% substrates in {title_acceptor} sites')

        path_figname = Path(f'{save_folder}/path_fig/{kinase}.png')
        plt.savefig(path_figname,bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) if SAVE else
    return paths
paths = get_img(result_df,['ATM','AKT1','EGFR'],ref,SAVE=False,save_folder='test')
  0%|          | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

 33%|███▎      | 1/3 [00:01<00:02,  1.39s/it]

 67%|██████▋   | 2/3 [00:02<00:01,  1.32s/it]

100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:03<00:00,  1.32s/it]

Uncheck below to generate figures for all of the kinases:

# paths = get_img(result_df,ref.index,ref,SAVE=True,save_folder='test')

The above line will create two folders under the {save_folder}: - path_fig folder contains the pathway analysis. - score_distribute folder contains histogram of score distribution.

Combine images for pdf

def combine_images_vertically(image_paths, output_path):
    # Open images and convert them to 'RGBA' for uniformity
    images = ['RGBA') for image_path in image_paths]
    # Calculate the total width as the maximum width of any image
    total_width = max(image.width for image in images)
    # Calculate the total height by summing the heights of all images
    total_height = sum(image.height for image in images)
    # set the background white board size
    # total_width, total_height = 2010,1200
    total_width, total_height = 3000,1750

    # Create a new image with a white background in 'RGBA' mode
    combined_image ='RGBA', (total_width, total_height), (255, 255, 255, 255))

    # Initialize the y_offset to start pasting images from the top
    y_offset = 0
    for image in images:
        # Calculate the x position to center the image
        x_offset = (total_width - image.width) // 2
        # Paste the current image into the combined image
        combined_image.paste(image, (x_offset, y_offset), image)
        # Update the y_offset to move to the next position for the next image
        y_offset += image.height

    # Save the combined image to the specified output path

Uncheck below to merge the pathway figures and score distribution figures together:

# folders = ["test/score_distribute", "test/path_fig"]
# for k in tqdm(ref.index):
#     filename = f"{k}.png"
#     image_paths = [os.path.join(folder, filename) for folder in folders]
#     output_path = Path(f"test/combine/{k}.png")
#     output_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True,exist_ok=True)
#     combine_images_vertically(image_paths, output_path)

Save path in csv

Uncheck below to save pathway csv:

# path_data = pd.concat(paths)

# path_data = path_data[['kinase','name','pValue','-log10_pValue']]

# path_data.columns = ['kinase','Reactome_pathway','pValue','neg_log10_pValue']

# path_data.to_csv('pathway_analysis.csv',index=False)